Friday, July 24, 2009

What Could Low Hemoglobin And Hematocrit Mean

Microsoft sick?

Spiegel Online - 07/24/2009. Redmond - is weakening "the software giant Microsoft: A lull in the PC market and the economic crisis hit the company harder than expected profit collapsed in the last quarter by almost 30 percent to $ 3,000,000,000 (2.1 billion euros). Sales fell 17 percent to 13.1 billion dollars. finished the first time since going public in 1986 Microsoft to a fiscal year with a drop in sales. "

My Opinion: Now show the first issues in the critical areas for the future, most clearly. The Windows-sector has been suffering particularly hard, with almost 30% less turnover and 33% less profit. In the Games & Mobile field sales decreased by 25%, this makes MS a bit smaller, but still lost $ 130 million. The most important future area the Internet services, sales declined by over U.S. $ 100 million and the loss increased by nearly $ 250 million U.S.. Turnover and loss are now equal to $ 730 million in U.S.. But the sluggish business clients - servers and business sectors - have prevented a more drastic decline. Have the "consumers" already decided against Microsoft? Or does anyone think Yahoo Microsoft's online services can save?

I do not believe it. The search engine "Bing" was used by a lot of marketing effort, possibly in the U.S., some early attention. In the Mobile-area Apple has shown with the iPhone (increased sales by almost 12% and profit up 15% last quarter as a whole), how it works and the list of manufacturers that will offer mobile devices with Android on the increase. Apple has entered the market in 2007, in 2008 "only" about 1% of global mobile phones (from approximately 1.2 billion total) were sold, but almost 20% of profits over the industry! Google is lurking with "Chrome OS" behind the corner and the Microsoft Windows 7 aims to solve problems? No way!

High-speed Internet in connection with mobility requires new solutions. Microsoft, with its liabilities, to hang like a millstone, lags behind her and will continue to lose Martktanteile.


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