Monday, January 3, 2011

Is Cervix High Or Low When Pregnant

heat pump does not work!

have, since the craftsman hurry and connected extra day before Christmas, the heat pump and put into operation. Probably with too much anticipation for Christmas, because the heat pump does not work. When alerted of our emergency medical and heating installation. The came the same and referred us to a software error by the manufacturer. So a field staff of Manufacturers come and between Christmas and New Year - oh no, certainly not! So wait!

On 03 January came and the field staff of ROTEX has reviewed the heat pump. A software error could not be determined, but it ... and now comes the hit: it was mixed pre-and post connected and wrong

informed heating engineer, who came within 3 hours! has its bugs. Now the heat pump runs without error and can heat up the floor. The whole is but 2 weeks, should actually done from Christmas to New Year .. Be

Our move-in date slips further and further backwards


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