swine flu: Stagnation in Germany! Killer Virus in the U.S.?
According to the latest figures (see below) in Germany has stagnated, the number of H1N1 patients or she has been In early August even decreased.
It was mid-August for about 2588 sufferers (of 12 830 people infected). That makes about 82 million inhabitants whopping .003156 percent - almost 32 per 1 million inhabitants ill. So far without a fatality.
Which viruses or mutations of the virus to flood the U.S.? There are fears for the fall far more than 150 million infected and up to 90,000 dead!
course of swine flu in Germany, according to data from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) Berlin:
Date :_____ Infizierte____Erkrankte: *)
16.06.2009___ 203
24.06.2009___ 332________129
01.07.2009___ 429________ 97
08.07.2009___ 591________162
15.07.2009___ 834________ 243 984
26.08.2009___14. 940______2.110
*) In the course of the previously innocuous H1N1 patients can usually go out like that has subsided after 4-6 days, the flu and After another 24 hours, no more risk of infection exists. This means that it can be deducted from the total of people infected each of the previous week from the current number of infected people to determine the number of current patients.
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