Thursday, May 10, 2007

Gay Similar Beautiful Agony

Web 2.0 - hype and marketing ... when bubble bursts?

Web 2.0:: Links
series of pictures and photo album A new hype or really anything new?

The Web comes in the years and still developing so rapidly that nearly forecasts impossible. For some time now haunts the hype of "Web 2.0" by the media - what is it? A large share of marketing. After bursting the bubble Dot.Com the air was first out. Now it is of course again the next bubble to blow air. 2.0 Promoter Tim O'Reilly calls "harnessing collective intelligence". One example is eg Wikipedia - added value through user cooperation.

There are a number of new applications that follow this trend, such as photo communities. Flickr, a founding father, was long ago swallowed up by Yahoo. At the "Lokalisten" - the lead developer is a good friend - the Pro7/Sat-Gruppe participated. Representatives as fotocommunity Fred Miranda, Tabblo ... are my webpage under "Photo" link. Other examples are OpenBC / Xing, or the "social community" 43-things from the U.S. ( I myself have played around with these applications and I am somewhat surprised that bring energy, commitment and time the user in order to produce comments like "pretty picture", "(un) interesting subject," something more / less contrast ...". A user has classified himself as "addict" and found it still great. What are these communities have reached a very high number of members and many members who pay for premium services, even! A friend whom I showed said. "The ! Is indeed a real networking opportunity "

Other applications and" so-called "2.0 examples are blogs, Writely documents for editing and verwaltungb, Gmail, Google Maps ... I'm still particularly fascinated by Google Maps - enter my address generates an arrow on our roof on the satellite image (which is just a coincidence but anyway). The highlight of the affair are the open interfaces (APIs), can accumulate on the user displays. A huge volume of information it here formed. With blogs, Writely and GMail I will, if time permits, consider this week a little more intense.

New technologies are drivers for the applications and upfront from their needs. SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) is a buzzword. The encapsulation and loose coupling of services is the battlefield of the veterans (IBM, SAP, Oracle ...) with complex architectures and contaminated sites. Interestingly, there are the approaches such as AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) or "Ruby on Rails" a framework for rapid creation of Web applications. Things like podcasts, RSS feeds, tags, ... are more blocks. The engine for the development is open source - it works a community of the best skills for new solutions and are "just for free! On the other hand, there is a naehzu umbegrenzte number of users over the Web. This model can not beat what innovation and speed is concerned. to confirm the results with a number is difficult because it would have to change monthly, weekly, daily.


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