"Leipziger Allerlei" - a city tour and the "depopulation" of East Germany
end of April 2007, I marched, I'm walking through Leipizig, have photos and I shot it made my thoughts. The links to the photos and a select series of photographs with comments are at the end of the article.
On 22 and 23 Of May, a warm wind through the German media landscape, one can but also as a "fart" (I apologize) call. The Federal Statistical Office had published once forecasts of population growth by 2050, with a focus Ost-/Westproblematik. The mass media the forecasts are totally unreflective, inflated and garishly-packed - just as "F. .." - Re: "The East depopulated ... 2050 ...!" decline of 31% only a few small publications in the east rose a little deeper into the topic
For example, the SVZ-Online - Schwerin People's Daily.: "" The country is dying life, "Frank Wulff, clerk says the building department of the municipality Arendsee. Some places in the Altmark, a spoiled on the nature of land north of Magdeburg on the Elbe would give it no more soon: "There are then only signs - deserted villages called this" Wulff knows whereof he speaks. ... The vacated space would offer then today there room for extinct animals: "After the man is the wolf," the title of their chapter to a study by the Berlin Institute for Population and Development (BI). ... From Arendsee according Wulff especially the young and well educated disappeared. "The what was on it, are gone - There is nothing more to come," he says.
Elvira Freyse few kilometers from the southern city Bismark knows this only too well. None of their three daughters remained in the region. They found work in Berlin, Hanover and Magdeburg. Similarly, it is the children of friends and acquaintances: "Of around 100 90 to go." Because the younger ones are missing, fall into the place more and more. "Over 2,000 schools in the east since reunification have been tight," said Reiner Klingholz, head of the BI.
"old" figures from the Statistical Office of Ontario: The population of the district of Osterode fell between 1995 and 2004 7.1 percent, which the district Holzminden by 5.5 percent. This individual local authorities are still considerably higher than the average. The town of Bad Grund (District Osterode) as a lost around 18 percent of its residents, the town in the former Marienthal zone boundary area of the district Helmstedt even comes to a minus of 23.4 percent. How has the past three years to develop, one can imagine. fit on this subject my Impressions and experiences I have made recently in Leipzig. A
n Wednesday, 25 April 2007 I had about 2 hours for sightseeing in Leipzig. Franz-Listplatz I then starts around 10:00 clock on foot. Particularly impressive is the main train station - you see where the "Soli" is out flowed! But Leipzig is, like many other places in the former GDR full of contrasts. Therefore, I call the series of pictures (link below) and "Leipziger Allerlei".
can be from the same point of view, the super-restored station building, the skyscraper at the Willy-Brandt-Platz (formerly named the Walter Ulbricht Square?) And see totally neglected and abandoned buildings. Before the tower the MDR to be demolished house - the "Soli" continues to flow.
Leipzig had before the collapse of more than 100,000 manufacturing jobs. Today, there are still about 10,000 - and that despite BMW, Porsche, source / Karstadt and Amazon. Amazon, for example, predicts that only 400 (in words "four hundred") permanent jobs, the plant produced in the huge logistics center! For the other listed companies, it does not look much different. The able-bodied part of the population that is flexible, has the "flourishing country," left long ago. Backwardness are old, sick and resin-IV receiver.
The Nikolai Church and column, the starting point the protests and demonstrations that eventually led to the collapse of the entire communist system. My respect and appreciation for all the "brave of the first hour." The cross in the window of the church in December 2006, recalls the GI Dustin R. from Texas, who was killed in Baghdad. "Give peace a chance", the title - has brought the cause of peace in the world forward? The interior of the church very impressive - impressive white, the brightness and openness, supported by the predominant color. Outside the church, a poster bearing the words: "How much work do we need?" In addition, the accordionist might answer it. Compared to the "Forum of Contemporary History" comprehensive documentation of recent German history on the subject division, dictatorship, resistance and unity. A visit is highly recommended, but why we should not shoot me, no one could really explain it.
addition to the old trading exchange on the market is proud to Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, and not far away from it, again a very nice renovated old building with a roof terrace. But directly opposite, the view through a beautiful old wrought iron gate - fall ... . A great idea, the colorful buildings in the area of the Forum of Fine Arts. On the way back to the starting point nor the need of renovation "Bayerischer Hof" and the absolute contrast between high-tech and ruin is just around the corner at the Franz-List-Platz.
depressing is the extreme difference, in addition to the development of Eastern and hopelessness resulting from it in part, the frustration of the remaining inhabitants. "Leipziger Internet Zeitung" of 22 May 2007: "69% of Volkmarsdorf have to make do with less than 800 € / month comparison:.. The Leipzig average is 38% to 40% of people living on Mars villages ALG II '
takes in some regions, however, the vacancy rate of buildings frightening forms. In Saxony-Anhalt to 230 000 homes are unoccupied, one-sixth of the total stock. I know the situation as in the small district town of Zeitz from personal experience. The population in Zeitz has halved since the fall, where she had been enlarged by incorporations after the turn yet. Thus there are well over 40% of empty houses and crumble and are mostly already uninhabitable.
The scenario of the statistics for 2050 is not worth the paper on which it was printed, as the real world has in part become obsolete a long way. Because in the first place the well-educated young people between 18 and 35 - and thus the population of child-bearing age - have migrated and continue to the east - and to some extent Germany - turn their backs, the "depopulation" further accelerated. Lothar Eichhorn of the State Statistical Office of Lower Saxony: "The problem is that this suffering and infrastructure. Eventually, the school or the swimming pool is simply no longer hold. ... "This has advantages, too. Then we give just a little more natural space. ... Is this a strategy for the future?
When I hear something I think about the above-mentioned terms and quotes: "deserted villages", "After the man is a wolf" ... it can not well be! In my opinion it needs a radical change in the support framework. The massive investments in infrastructure have a short-term jobs created during the construction phase. There are now modern communication technology (Glasfasenetz ...) and transport systems no one needs. My suggestion is that any business that creates long-term, compulsory social insurance full-time job, it is exempt from tax.
If it is not, again significant job creation, the "flower land" in the foreseeable future, and not until 2050, "deserted land" to be - it would be a shame! http://picasaweb.google.de/Lothar.Reeg
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Gay Similar Beautiful Agony
Web 2.0 - hype and marketing ... when bubble bursts?
Web 2.0:: Links
series of pictures and photo album A new hype or really anything new? Web 2.0:: Links
The Web comes in the years and still developing so rapidly that nearly forecasts impossible. For some time now haunts the hype of "Web 2.0" by the media - what is it? A large share of marketing. After bursting the bubble Dot.Com the air was first out. Now it is of course again the next bubble to blow air. 2.0 Promoter Tim O'Reilly calls "harnessing collective intelligence". One example is eg Wikipedia - added value through user cooperation.
There are a number of new applications that follow this trend, such as photo communities. Flickr, a founding father, was long ago swallowed up by Yahoo. At the "Lokalisten" - the lead developer is a good friend - the Pro7/Sat-Gruppe participated. Representatives as fotocommunity Fred Miranda, Tabblo ... http://home.arcor.de/lreeg/ are my webpage under "Photo" link. Other examples are OpenBC / Xing, or the "social community" 43-things from the U.S. (www.43things.com). I myself have played around with these applications and I am somewhat surprised that bring energy, commitment and time the user in order to produce comments like "pretty picture", "(un) interesting subject," something more / less contrast ...". A user has classified himself as "addict" and found it still great. What are these communities have reached a very high number of members and many members who pay for premium services, even! A friend whom I showed said. "The ! Is indeed a real networking opportunity "
Other applications and" so-called "2.0 examples are blogs, Writely documents for editing and verwaltungb, Gmail, Google Maps ... I'm still particularly fascinated by Google Maps - enter my address generates an arrow on our roof on the satellite image (which is just a coincidence but anyway). The highlight of the affair are the open interfaces (APIs), can accumulate on the user displays. A huge volume of information it here formed. With blogs, Writely and GMail I will, if time permits, consider this week a little more intense.
New technologies are drivers for the applications and upfront from their needs. SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) is a buzzword. The encapsulation and loose coupling of services is the battlefield of the veterans (IBM, SAP, Oracle ...) with complex architectures and contaminated sites. Interestingly, there are the approaches such as AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) or "Ruby on Rails" a framework for rapid creation of Web applications. Things like podcasts, RSS feeds, tags, ... are more blocks. The engine for the development is open source - it works a community of the best skills for new solutions and are "just for free! On the other hand, there is a naehzu umbegrenzte number of users over the Web. This model can not beat what innovation and speed is concerned. to confirm the results with a number is difficult because it would have to change monthly, weekly, daily.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Viral Infection In My Eye
My personal highlights of 2006
The Picasa photo album of my highlights of 2006 in my blog to gain some experience with the technology and the photos in this way to publish.
Our highlights included the deep snow of the week on Jandlalm in January, various celebrations / parties, rafting on the Isar River, and of course the World Cup!
The Picasa photo album of my highlights of 2006 in my blog to gain some experience with the technology and the photos in this way to publish.
Our highlights included the deep snow of the week on Jandlalm in January, various celebrations / parties, rafting on the Isar River, and of course the World Cup!
Sternocleidomastoid Bump
flight booking on the Internet 2
Conclusion: From about mid-April the Nachsasion in Thailand. At this time there are as non-stop flights Munich back in Bangkok and Thai Airways to 500, - EUR - far cheaper than Lufthansa, LTU, Condor, etc.
We now have over "traveltopia" at The new Etihad Airline of the United Arab Emirates at a price of 654, - EUR posted. Departure end of February - there was enough available dates, quotas and no frivolous marketing bluster.
Answer - Lufthansa
On 02/16/2007 I received Post by Lufthansa, pointing out that they are sorry ... "Please understand that this only a certain number of seats available. Thus it is quite possible that this book not to request a date is possible." Available dates are from 10 to - 20 April 2007 give.
Condor - Munich, Bangkok and back from 99, -
course that was just a flop. There were no flights at that time, of course, but much later from the end of March and April, but then also more expensive.
Reply - Consumer Federation of Association
Dear Mr. Reeg,
we can understand your displeasure very good. The discrepancy between advertising reality of the quotas is an important consumer policy issue that is hard nut to crack. We have the Department of Law Enforcement has already tried to work with individual airlines, however, but here the problem of burden of proof is significant.
We have the issue in the eye and thank you for your message with the reference to the airlines and offers.
Sincerely, Catherine Isted
and Sustainability Officer consumer policy issues
Federal Consumer Association (vzbv)
Federation of German Consumer Organisations
Markgrafenstrasse 66, Pillbox
visitors' entrance: Koch Strasse 22D-10969 Berlin
Phone: 030 / 25800-319
Fax: 030 / 25800-328
Email: istel@vzbv.de www.vzbv.de
Answer - Bavarian State Ministry of Environment, Health and Consumer Protection
Dear Mr. Reeg,
thank you for your mail.
The Bavarian State Ministry of Environment, Health and Consumer Protection is responsible for matters relating to consumer protection policy and thus represents the general interests of consumers. Our mission is to create appropriate conditions on certain consumer protection issues. We can offer no legal advice or conduct, not its position on specific issues
general, I can give you the following information: The advertising and marketing practices that they document could infringe competition law. Any violations will be prosecuted in Germany is not the state, but - in addition to direct competitors - by consumer organizations.
If it is a nationwide problem, then the Consumer Association the right place
addition, you can contact on-site at our supported consumer groups Consumer Bayern www.verbraucherzentrale-bayern.de and consumer service in Bavaria KDFB www.verbraucherservice-bayern.de .
Beate Kunze
Conclusion: From about mid-April the Nachsasion in Thailand. At this time there are as non-stop flights Munich back in Bangkok and Thai Airways to 500, - EUR - far cheaper than Lufthansa, LTU, Condor, etc.
We now have over "traveltopia" at The new Etihad Airline of the United Arab Emirates at a price of 654, - EUR posted. Departure end of February - there was enough available dates, quotas and no frivolous marketing bluster.
Answer - Lufthansa
On 02/16/2007 I received Post by Lufthansa, pointing out that they are sorry ... "Please understand that this only a certain number of seats available. Thus it is quite possible that this book not to request a date is possible." Available dates are from 10 to - 20 April 2007 give.
Condor - Munich, Bangkok and back from 99, -
course that was just a flop. There were no flights at that time, of course, but much later from the end of March and April, but then also more expensive.
Reply - Consumer Federation of Association
Dear Mr. Reeg,
we can understand your displeasure very good. The discrepancy between advertising reality of the quotas is an important consumer policy issue that is hard nut to crack. We have the Department of Law Enforcement has already tried to work with individual airlines, however, but here the problem of burden of proof is significant.
We have the issue in the eye and thank you for your message with the reference to the airlines and offers.
Sincerely, Catherine Isted
and Sustainability Officer consumer policy issues
Federal Consumer Association (vzbv)
Federation of German Consumer Organisations
Markgrafenstrasse 66, Pillbox
visitors' entrance: Koch Strasse 22D-10969 Berlin
Phone: 030 / 25800-319
Fax: 030 / 25800-328
Email: istel@vzbv.de www.vzbv.de
Answer - Bavarian State Ministry of Environment, Health and Consumer Protection
Dear Mr. Reeg,
thank you for your mail.
The Bavarian State Ministry of Environment, Health and Consumer Protection is responsible for matters relating to consumer protection policy and thus represents the general interests of consumers. Our mission is to create appropriate conditions on certain consumer protection issues. We can offer no legal advice or conduct, not its position on specific issues
general, I can give you the following information: The advertising and marketing practices that they document could infringe competition law. Any violations will be prosecuted in Germany is not the state, but - in addition to direct competitors - by consumer organizations.
If it is a nationwide problem, then the Consumer Association the right place
addition, you can contact on-site at our supported consumer groups Consumer Bayern www.verbraucherzentrale-bayern.de and consumer service in Bavaria KDFB www.verbraucherservice-bayern.de .
Beate Kunze
Hair Oil From Kottakal
flight booking on the internet
Newsletter Lufthansa 31.1.2007 - Asia ... Long Distance Deals - poor Lufthansa!
On 31/01/2007 I received the newsletter by mail with offers to Bangkok from 669 EUR! Since I am currently in the process of organizing a trip to a small group - clicked quickly. But at no gave the departure dates in March, a free contingent. Call to the online service - a friendly lady checked the database. Result: "There is no free space!" Me: "That should surely not be true What's that for business conduct?" Answer: "There's probably someone undermined a mistake."
Ok! Board-mail to Lufthansa. First attempt "This service is not available right now!" Second attempt finally worked. Buy It came with a confirmation transaction number - since I've heard nothing more.
are now being offered 2/2/2007 capacity. Cheapest Offer Munich Bangkok departing March 2007 for 984 EUR - 1194 or alternatively 3033 EUR (per person)! In Thai Airline (Star Alliance partner of Lufthansa), it is quite normal and without the marketing for 870 EUR.
Conclusion: Poor Lufthansa when marketing such actions are necessary.
alternative: the portal of "traveltopia" and the new Etihad Airline of the UAE - there are flights from Munich to Bangkok actually for 667 EUR with available space at different times - we have booked!
flights to Bangkok via LTUR with LTU - similar fraud
Another attempt for a cheap flight booking with LTUR with LTU, we tried the 6.2. about 21:00 clock. It was in the portal of LTUR spare capacity at different times of flights from Munich to Bangkok for a price of 658 EUR with LTU.
We our desired date from late February to mid March and studied were asked to input the data of the four persons. comes after the entry and release of the book .... an image (it should probably be funny) and the message "... has snapped up in just one!"
Further experiments with the same price at other times led again to the same result. The indicated price of 658 EUR and the specified dates as free wuren still displayed. It also offers over 1,000 EUR to verify we were waived. Conclusion of the customer will be many suppliers Beschi ....!
Another test: Condor offers flights to Munich, Bangkok and back from 99 EUR
A friend and travel agency owner gave us the indication of an auction of Condor flights in our time window for the price from 99 EUR. We have set a limit of 450 EUR and are curious. The start of the auction on 8 February 2007 at 10:00 clock. To be continued ....
Newsletter Lufthansa 31.1.2007 - Asia ... Long Distance Deals - poor Lufthansa!
On 31/01/2007 I received the newsletter by mail with offers to Bangkok from 669 EUR! Since I am currently in the process of organizing a trip to a small group - clicked quickly. But at no gave the departure dates in March, a free contingent. Call to the online service - a friendly lady checked the database. Result: "There is no free space!" Me: "That should surely not be true What's that for business conduct?" Answer: "There's probably someone undermined a mistake."
Ok! Board-mail to Lufthansa. First attempt "This service is not available right now!" Second attempt finally worked. Buy It came with a confirmation transaction number - since I've heard nothing more.
are now being offered 2/2/2007 capacity. Cheapest Offer Munich Bangkok departing March 2007 for 984 EUR - 1194 or alternatively 3033 EUR (per person)! In Thai Airline (Star Alliance partner of Lufthansa), it is quite normal and without the marketing for 870 EUR.
Conclusion: Poor Lufthansa when marketing such actions are necessary.
alternative: the portal of "traveltopia" and the new Etihad Airline of the UAE - there are flights from Munich to Bangkok actually for 667 EUR with available space at different times - we have booked!
flights to Bangkok via LTUR with LTU - similar fraud
Another attempt for a cheap flight booking with LTUR with LTU, we tried the 6.2. about 21:00 clock. It was in the portal of LTUR spare capacity at different times of flights from Munich to Bangkok for a price of 658 EUR with LTU.
We our desired date from late February to mid March and studied were asked to input the data of the four persons. comes after the entry and release of the book .... an image (it should probably be funny) and the message "... has snapped up in just one!"
Further experiments with the same price at other times led again to the same result. The indicated price of 658 EUR and the specified dates as free wuren still displayed. It also offers over 1,000 EUR to verify we were waived. Conclusion of the customer will be many suppliers Beschi ....!
Another test: Condor offers flights to Munich, Bangkok and back from 99 EUR
A friend and travel agency owner gave us the indication of an auction of Condor flights in our time window for the price from 99 EUR. We have set a limit of 450 EUR and are curious. The start of the auction on 8 February 2007 at 10:00 clock. To be continued ....
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